
How to analyse a text file with millions of lines
Debugging docker no space left on device problem
Do not rebuild your frontend code
Synchronous JavaScript using Promises. Solving the callback hell.
How to write a big loop on Node.js
A production ready Docker workflow. Part 4: Service Discovery and the load balancer
A production ready Docker workflow. Part 3: Orchestration tools
A production ready #Docker workflow. Part 2: The Storage Problem
A production ready Docker workflow
How to run tests with #Docker, #Mongoose, #Nodejs and #Mocha
A tutorial on how to use MySQL with Docker
The thing no one mentions when you're learning AngujarJS
NavigationWindow problem in Titanium
How to completely remove packages with apt-get on Ubuntu Linux?
Creating a LEMP with Docker and the Data-Only Container Pattern
Goodbye Dropbox. Finding an alternative.
Riesgos de la Reforma de Telecomunicaciones #EPNvsInternet
Varnish as a Node.js Load Balancer in Docker
¿Cómo crear un ambiente de desarrollo con Docker + Node.js + MongoDB + Varnish?
How to create a Docker + Node.js + MongoDB + Varnish environment
Git Cheat Guide en Español
Introducing Express.js MVC
Use Vagrant and Packer to develop locally and deploy to Digital Ocean the same environment
Backdrop y lo que significa para la comunidad de Drupal
Alloy and Titanium Studio, Part 3. Lazy Load Windows and Tabs
Transparencia y Datos Abiertos (Open Data) en México
Alloy and Titanium Studio, Part 2. Controllers, Views, Collections and Models and how to put it all together.
Managing templates in LibreOffice
My first andoid device
Teaching Drupal to the local community
Software you should learn if you want to code
Alloy and Titanium Studio, Part 1
How to create a fancy name for your startup?
Software I can't live without
Why I hate Drupal (sometimes)
Building luiselizondo.net
My favorite movies
The things I don't like about Gnome 3
Helping Education with Open Data in Mexico
Source code for: Holy sh$% Batman: showing async blocks of data from multiple sources with jQuery, Node JS and Express JS and the problem with Virtual
Holy sh$% Batman: showing async blocks of data from multiple sources with jQuery, Node JS and Express JS and the problem with Virtuals, DynamicHelpers
Mongoose vs mongojs on Node.js
20 inventions that we can't live without and the iPhone is not one of them
Joins on MongoDB with Mongoose and NodeJs
6 great Gnome 3 Shell Extensions
The New Progressive: Government Spending Priorities
You better not survive a Zombie Apocalypse
UK Letters of last resort
Capistrano saves you time
Redirect all email in your development environment
Move files from multiple drupal sites to the site they belong
Bookmarks. A big problem someone needs to solve.
Goodbye Ubuntu. Hello Fedora
Conclusiones sobre las Elecciones Presidenciales en México
Access MySQL Server from Anywhere
Top 3 Quora Questions of the Week
Asana.com vs Do.com
Top 3 Quora Questions of the Week
Battle 1: Fedora 17 vs Ubuntu 12.04
How does Facebook push code
The only article you should read this week
Top 3 Quora Questions of the Week
Technologies behind the web. Part 1: The Web Server. (Explained for non techincal users)
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Ubuntu 12.04 + Nginx + Drupal
Drupal on AWS with a Load Balancer and Capistrano, Git and NFS
Open Source in Education, Presentation
The HUD in Ubuntu 12.04
Ubuntu 12.04 Review
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