How to analyse a text file with millions of lines

Let’s say that you have a file with millions of lines and you need to analyse it. A common use case for this is a log file that you want to understand how many users made a request to a particular route.

I had a case like this one recently and here’s what I did.

The first thing you need to do is determine the pattern you are trying to find to count it. Let’s say that we had a log saying ‘Accessing POST /api/login’ and that’s what determines if a user is attempting to login to your site, which is what we want to find out.

Once you have a defined pattern it is actually really easy to do:

cat file.txt | grep 'Accessing POST /api/login' > count-results.txt

As you can see, I do a cat on the file and filter the results by the string we want to count, finally, I send all the results to a text file.

The second step would be to count the lines in this new file, since now I know I only have the results I want.

wc -l count-results.txt

And that’s it, I’ll get how many requests were made to the route /api/login

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