The things I don't like about Gnome 3

Less than 6 months ago I moved from Ubuntu to Fedora, that means I stopped using Unity and moved to Gnome Shell. Not because I didn’t like Unity, in fact, I may be the only person in the world who does, the real reason was because Ubuntu is not what it used to be. It fails more often than I want to. I must say that using Fedora was a nice experiment and a good experience, but before I move to Mint (I’ll tell you why in a minute), I feel like I need to explain the good and bad things about Gnome Shell.

Gnome Shell did a good work with the UI, it looks pretty, menus, notifications, all that stuff, beautiful. You can see the transparency and the mix of black and gray. It’s a real pleasure to work with those colors.

The second thing Gnome Shell did great it’s the doc, finally a functional dock. It’s not the same thing as on Mac OS X but it’s close enough.

The bad things are the Activities. To be honest, I didn’t used them, I usually open applications in two ways:

  1. The dock

  2. Searching

So I was never bother by the Activities thing but I can see that it’s not very intuitive.


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