6 great Gnome 3 Shell Extensions

Using Gnome Shell or Gnome 3 (they are actually kind of the same thing)? Then you will love the following extensions:

All in one places


Shows a small button at the top bar with links to specific folders. You’ll love it if you miss the Places menu in Gnome 2

Alternative Status Menu (my favourite)


This is the best one, because for some reason, Gnome removed some very useful buttons to power off, hibernate and suspend your machine. This one restores them.

Dash to dock (my second favourite)


The dock without you having to enter the activities workspace.



Shows the speed of your WLAN or ETH connection.

Tracker Search


This is another favourite, allows you to actually search documents from the Gnome Shell Search bar. Without this one, you can only search recent documents.

Show Desktop Button


If you’re using your Desktop as your traditional Desktop, where you can drop icons and documents, then you’ll need this one to quick access it.

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