You better not survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Yeah, that’s right. You better be dead unless you want to face the fact that there are more than 8000 nuclear weapons only in the US and there will be no humans to maintain those things. After all, Zombies only want to eat brains, not uranium.

The US has a program named Stockpile stewardship that is responsible since 1992 to prevent nuclear weapons from suddenly failing because they are too old, and being uranium and plutonium unstable materials, you don’t want to play with them, at least that’s what I learned in Back to the Future.

And guess what? Programs like the Stockpile Stewardship are very necessary, so in case you and your girlfriend are the only two humans walking “alive” on the face of the Earth, is not gonna be as fun as in the movie “I am legend” where you have supermarkets full of cans, bottled water and thousands of movies to watch. The scenario will be more likely to be you and your girl waiting for a nuclear device to be activated by itself.

Is not gonna be pretty. But that’s why we don’t see those situations in a movie.

One final thought. Knowing about programs like the Stockpile stewardship makes me realize that there are guys who have in their hands thousands of lives and they are not generals nor politics, only guys who if they don’t do their job, people die. I don’t know how much they make a year, but whatever it is, please, double it, after all, we’re still here and that means they’re doing a pretty good job.

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